TV Stars

The Nescafe Gold Blend Affair

Before he was known as the watchful mentor and father figure of Buffy Summers, Anthony Stewart Head was known for his role in a series of television advertisements for Nestle’s Gold Blend coffee. From 1987 to 1993, Head starred alongside actress Sharon Maughan in a series of 12 45-second commercials that made up one of the most successful advertising campaigns in British history. The ads featured a slow-burning love story that played out over cups of coffee, and they had audiences hooked from the beginning.

Do You Remember the Nescafe Gold Blend Ads?

The storyline of the Gold Blend commercials was simple, yet effective. Head and Maughan played two neighbors who are initially uninterested in each other. However, as they share cups of Nescafe’s Gold Blend coffee, they begin to fall in love. The commercials were shot on a set that resembled a cozy, modern apartment, with dark lighting and steam rising from the coffee cups. Though the storyline of the commercials spanned years, the ads themselves were only 45 seconds long, and each one ended on a cliffhanger, driving viewers to tune in to the next installment.The success of the Gold Blend campaign is largely attributed to the chemistry between Head and Maughan. Not only did they have great on-screen chemistry, but they became household names and even tabloid fodder for their supposed real-life chemistry off-screen. The commercials were also lauded for their cinematic quality, with many critics comparing them to a television drama rather than a commercial.

Although the series began in the late 1980’s they spanned into the 90’s and along with the “Nicole? Papa?” of the later Renault Clio ads, will be remembered long after. The popularity of the Gold Blend commercials was such that they became an essential element of British culture in the late 80s and early 90s. People eagerly awaited the new installments and debated the outcome of the couple’s storylines at the water cooler. In fact, the final commercial drew in over 19 million viewers, making it one of the most-watched programmes on British television at that time.

You can view all twelve “episodes” of the story on YouTube…

The Gold Blend campaign was incredibly successful for Nescafe, boosting the brand’s sales and securing it a place in the hearts and minds of the British public. It is also credited with launching Head’s career, making him one of the most recognizable faces on British television. An entire generation of viewers grew up watching these commercials, and they continue to hold a special place in the hearts of many today.In conclusion, the Nescafe Gold Blend commercials starring Anthony Stewart Head were an iconic piece of British pop culture in the late 1980s and early 1990s. They captivated audiences with their cinematic quality and slow-burn storyline, resulting in one of the most successful advertising campaigns of all time. Although Head has gone on to play many memorable roles in his career, fans and viewers will always associate him with his suave performances in these commercials, and they will always hold a special place in the hearts of those who grew up with them. For many, Head and Maughan will always be known as the “Nescafe Gold Blend Actors